Stop sabotaging your career and love life. The shapes of your body are the key to your professional and personal growth.


The body mind assessment will be perfect for you if…

You procrastinate and struggle to improve your performance.

You experience blocks in changing careers or getting a promotion at work.

You’ve been facing financial difficulties and need help from others to support yourself.

You have problems in your romantic relationships, such as jealousy, insecurity, difficulty in committing, or finding the right person.

You struggle with social interactions, even with your parents or in raising your children.

You feel dissatisfied with your body and don’t like what you see in the mirror.

Body mind assessment

This is a science-based method that unveils the type of mind a person has and how their mind functions. This is done through analyzing a person’s body shapes. The benefit of this method is to be able to know someone’s pains and difficulties, understand their own functioning to make healthy choices in life and day-to-day.

The shapes of your body are not a coincidence. Everything that happened in the development of the nervous system left marks on your body. All the challenges, difficulties and pains were recorded and your nervous system shaped your body as a defense mechanism. We developed 5 coping mechanisms, the character structures. They show 5 core wounds: rejection, abandonment, manipulation, humiliation and betrayal.


The foundation of the body mind assessment dates back to the early 20th century, during Freud’s time, based on the knowledge of Wilhelm Reich and Alexander Lowen.

This approach incorporates insights from multiple scientific domains, with a particular emphasis on Reich’s pioneering research, which identified and named five character structures: schizoid, oral, psychopathic, masochist, and rigid. Attention: these are scientific names for character structures, and not the medical pathologies that have similar names.

This methodology was developed based on deep studies of the body and mind by a group of researchers in Brazil. One of the most significant aspects of this updated research is the development of a method and tool to measure the intensity of each structure in an individual.

The body mind assessment brings the answers that you were looking for in your life, even though you thought you would never find them.

Schizoid character structure


Thin, large head, visible joints, deep dark circles under the eyes, thin lips, disconnected gaze.

Gift: creativity, reasoning.

Wound: rejection.

Oral character structure


Round shapes, connecting gaze, thick colored lips, soft and plump body.

Gifts: communication, sensibility.

Wound: abandonment.

Psychopathic character structure


Inverted triangles on the body,  lopsided smile, penetrating and evaluative gaze.

Gifts: negotiation, leadership.

Wound: manipulation 

Masochist character structure


Square body shapes, bags under eyes, dense body, tense bottom. Thick calves.

Gift: planning, execution, endurance.

Wound: humiliation.

Rigid character structure


Proportional body, defined muscles, hourglass shape. Seductive energy.

Gift: competitiveness, agility, proactivity.

Wound: betrayal/ exclusion.

Take the first step into your transformation


Body mind assessment

The body mind assessment happens in a 2-hour online meeting, where you discover how you function based on information that has been imprinted on your body during the development of your nervous system.

You will have all the answers you need to transform your difficulties into super powers.

*You are fully clothed in the session.

Six-month mentorship

It all starts with the body mind assessment. You can choose the main area to transform in your life, whether it’s career, romantic relationship, finances, for example. But it’s important to know that when we start working on one area, several aspects of life will also transform.”

The six month mentoring process is a way to work on each of the 5 character structures  with support throughout the process to boost your transformation.”


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